Tuesday, July 17, 2007


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Hmm.. lets talk about today.. we had lessons per normal.. but today i did a real bad thing=( come to think of it.. i think i should apologise.. sorry he lao shi=D i made a bad sound at her.. so sorry!=( just did it out of playfulness=D hope she dun blame me=D haha! hmm, and today went out with friends to eat.. travelling on bus, we saw someoneO.O dun want to talk more about it=P haha!! jkjk=D

then went to eat ljs! omg.. the auntie attitude sia! we down there talk v loud she use that kind of eyes stare us! kpkb! but in the end she gave us 2 cheese sauce for the price of 50 cents.. SCAMMED=D woots, we had our fill and went seperate ways home.. seeing daryl and otto walking home. as an ncc land cadets. i decided not to take bus but walk home.( see daryl and otto, im so a loyal brother=D)

Then reached home, washed up, and played..... DOTA!=D then here i am now blogging once again ALONED=( Actually wanted to do hwk, BUT lost my whole stack of foolscap paper.. omg.. what a fool am iT_T k la,enough blogging.. that james and chan yu is pestering me to join their game=P i gtg now! bye=D HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A PLEASANT DAY AHEAD!(does this sound familliar?=))

Another thing is.. this is the thing danny treated us ytd. take a look=D he paid using his credit card=D THANK YOU DANNY=D

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Danny's Credit Card=D
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
yet another photo=D

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