Wow, today woke up with a loud grinding sound of machines next door. Not another word, CONSTRUCTION went into my mind. immediately take a look at the clock, oh my, it's 12 o clock. it was still early! we were told to meet at tpy red circle at 4 o clock. Then, went to on my electronic confidant, computer. haha, WASHED UP. Ready to play.
First played with hong heng all the way then, suddenly, we looked at the clock it was 4O.O me and hong heng panicked and went immediately to meet daryl. Fortunately we reached east coast at 5 30, we were late for 30 minutes! omg, we dint kena any punishments. so we carry on to play at the beachO.O(i knw its childish)
We took vinoth phone and went to look inside, haha. COOL foundings. Secret that is. and first to be in the water = VINOTH
haha! it was fun and we proceeded to start the fire, they forgot to buy fire starter. WOOTS, cool start a fire with charcoal. LOL!then we went to 7 eleven to buy, it was a long walk, around 10 mins?! omg. then we met the girls there, hh were told to buy tongs. haha, the next minute we were out of the 7 eleven, we were told that we HAD tongs. WOOTS, wasted 5.80 for HHH. nxt went back to PIT, and started fire. First food, SATAY! wooo. haha, fravourite. HMM,
2nd to go into water = JOSHUA
it was fun to throw ppl into water! haha!
Finally, the night fell and we all were tired so we sat around to talk, we began to plan to throw some girls into the water. Obviously we all were joking. haha, then we began scaring them by running to them but dint do anything. lol.
Next to drop into water BUT FAILED: Daryl KWA
Then we formed alliance. WAHAHA HHH me and daryl cos we saved daryl from going into water. lol! hmm skipp untill the touching part ok?
Daryl threw sand and a sand particle went into hh eyes. HH, injured, went back to the pit then, _ _ _ _ _ _ took gd care of him and even spent 2 people world(er ren shi jie) at the tent area. WOW=) then
4th to go into water: _ _ _ _ _ _
Then HHH took gd care of _ _ _ _ _ _ in turn. haha, really friendship that is strong! haha accompanied _ _ _ _ _ _ to the toilet. WOOTS! do what? nth luh. haha, in the end stayed till 10+ playing charcoal haha, reach home at 12+ AND lalaland! woohoo! ok, thats all for the barbecue! gd bye and gd night!=)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
hmm, very bored and due to SOME PEOPLE commenting that im lazy.. so im here to blog! sorry for not posting more of the picture of japan's trip, cos it takes at least 7min to wait for the website to upload my PIC! omg...... lol, so created this post to liven up this blog, at least a bit?LOL! ok, thats all for today. Catch us next on
15 december 07, live on chnl 5! Goodbye.=D
P.S. IM NOT LAZY, just unwilling=D [MARK MY WORDS]
Another thing is, i hope Adrian gets well really really hope he can play basketball with us and can talk again.
15 december 07, live on chnl 5! Goodbye.=D
P.S. IM NOT LAZY, just unwilling=D [MARK MY WORDS]
Another thing is, i hope Adrian gets well really really hope he can play basketball with us and can talk again.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
HEY, gonna revive my blog, 20 over days nv post le.. haha now i will talk about my japan trip! woohoo!! haha, for the pictures... will post a few by a few its too MUCH! around 245~ haha=) really had fun during the trip! Had ice cream with li jie and charles in changi airport at swensens!!
1st day:)(all pictures will be posted afterwards! be patient!)
Got off the plane, brrr, very cold haha. Went across streets and roads, pass by a minimart.. FINALLY, we reached our destination, the INSTANT RAMEN MUSEUM! cool man!
haha, many people were there, took a few picture and we got to make our own CUP NOODLES! WAHAHAHAHA, cool really like that part!
Next, departed from the museum and went to the 1 temple, theres was really cool and we saw a monk outside the temple! it's a beggar anyway, want ppl give them money! hmm, nth interesting there and had our 1st meal there, LUNCH! nabei ramen. MUHAHA=D
Next, went to history museum! took many pictures there, some were coated with GOLD. expensive hor. Had our dinner, somewhere, i forgotten.. LOL=P then took pictures of the hotel, END OF DAY 1=D

ice cream:)



dustbin of japan!neat!

picture of cup noodles museum=)


inside of cup noodles museum!




golden statue on templE!

NICEST statue!=D

Other pictures will be posted by the next post=) for other info visit other ppl's blog who went to japan!=D haha! Goodbye and GOODNIGHT=D
1st day:)(all pictures will be posted afterwards! be patient!)
Got off the plane, brrr, very cold haha. Went across streets and roads, pass by a minimart.. FINALLY, we reached our destination, the INSTANT RAMEN MUSEUM! cool man!
haha, many people were there, took a few picture and we got to make our own CUP NOODLES! WAHAHAHAHA, cool really like that part!
Next, departed from the museum and went to the 1 temple, theres was really cool and we saw a monk outside the temple! it's a beggar anyway, want ppl give them money! hmm, nth interesting there and had our 1st meal there, LUNCH! nabei ramen. MUHAHA=D
Next, went to history museum! took many pictures there, some were coated with GOLD. expensive hor. Had our dinner, somewhere, i forgotten.. LOL=P then took pictures of the hotel, END OF DAY 1=D

ice cream:)



dustbin of japan!neat!

picture of cup noodles museum=)


inside of cup noodles museum!




golden statue on templE!

NICEST statue!=D

Other pictures will be posted by the next post=) for other info visit other ppl's blog who went to japan!=D haha! Goodbye and GOODNIGHT=D
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
最近,我觉得这种为了减肥而不吃的人很愚蠢。他们认为不吃就能很快的瘦下来可是他们没有想到这会对他们的身体带来多么的伤害。为了瘦而失去自己宝贵的性命真是非常的可惜。他们因该有个健康的一顿饭。 不要吃太多还是太多的肉类就不会发胖了。有个健康和营养的饮食习惯才是保持良好的体重的方法而不是不吃到丧命。
最近,有纽西兰的人来培德学校。我自愿要让他们来我家住五天,在这五天里,我们玩得很开心。但是天下没有散的宴席,第五天他们就前往马来西亚了。我们特地赶下火车站送他们,侵不自禁得哭了,我真是不舍得啊! 还好,他们去玩了马来亚后,会回来新加坡乘踏飞机。我们又去送他们,那天玩得好开心。 以后如果有这样的学校活动,我也想参加。不知道他们现在怎么样了!
大家好! 我的名字是黄俊达. 今年14岁,有个乖乖的样貌. 我的外号叫兔牙,因为我的前俩个牙齿不整齐.
刚吃完我的午餐,我才发现我迟到了!我赶紧跑回了学校,去上地理课.幸运的是我买有迟到,在那课里我很专心的听课,就是希望想考到好成绩. 校铃响了,我期待已久的时刻到来了.因为这是我第一天领导我的小倍! 我匆匆忙忙的换了衣服,跑去集合点.我和我其他的种三同学开始了我们的课外活动.
到了六点,大家也累了.我们开始解散我们的小倍.我们都很开心因为是我们第一天领导.阿!写着写着..已经过了一小时.. 开始后让眼睛休息了.. 今天就到此为止...
刚吃完我的午餐,我才发现我迟到了!我赶紧跑回了学校,去上地理课.幸运的是我买有迟到,在那课里我很专心的听课,就是希望想考到好成绩. 校铃响了,我期待已久的时刻到来了.因为这是我第一天领导我的小倍! 我匆匆忙忙的换了衣服,跑去集合点.我和我其他的种三同学开始了我们的课外活动.
到了六点,大家也累了.我们开始解散我们的小倍.我们都很开心因为是我们第一天领导.阿!写着写着..已经过了一小时.. 开始后让眼睛休息了.. 今天就到此为止...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Change Please.
ANNNNNNNNNND TML IS PHYSICS TEST, and study for SSC mutual. Hope to do well in both things. Gd nite and Gd bye.
ANNNNNNNNNND TML IS PHYSICS TEST, and study for SSC mutual. Hope to do well in both things. Gd nite and Gd bye.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
hmm, today overall was not so bad....... went to ssc training. and guess what, i got PS-ED. nearly got ooc=D but heng nv! haha! blady hell! u guys still owe me something=P haha! skidding.. hmmm, today at hq few clts very GL, come in gate then scold or sure got something to say 1. but for our staff... must KEEP quiet!=D tolerate! come on! haha, hmm then nothing much happen le.. now blogging and SO BORED NOW, WHERE IS MY CHATMATES!=(
Here are gang photos=P jking...

signing off
-President of United States,Wong JD.
Here are gang photos=P jking...

signing off
-President of United States,Wong JD.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Drink to the sorrows! HUAT AH!=D
heyhey, here to blog again.. hmm.. so sian nowadays.. but alot ppl birthday in this month!! haha=D and here to wish weilin a HAPPY BIRTHDAY=D and arwin too, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!=D haha, dint knw arwin birthday same as me sia! haha=D
Today stay at sch do hwk till dam late, dint knw i will be so guai 1=D haha, hmm, nth to say le anyway.. lol..
-signing off
-President of United States,Wong JD.
Today stay at sch do hwk till dam late, dint knw i will be so guai 1=D haha, hmm, nth to say le anyway.. lol..
-signing off
-President of United States,Wong JD.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Does eternal love exist?
Hi everyone=) Its, been a long time since i blog.. lol too lazy uh. haha, ok.. days are getting boring so i've nothing to blog about anyway=D haha! but still will blog a little bit bah!
Let me talk about ytd, okay?! haha, no objections! alrite then..
Yesterday, normal sch day and then went to play soccer after sch.. SO FUN!=D haha,hope can do that everyday luh! ARGH! haha, then come back home go play DOTA! muhahaha, it was ok though... untill then i wacted I not stupid too. It was a touching and funny show. omg, not ashamed to say, i cried in the midst of the show=x and SOMEONE, tell me to cam to show her how i cry..
You must be wondering who is the SOMEONE.. very easy to find out 1... its a she anyway, and she was named soury by me=P haha!!! hmm, so aft that.. nth to do le.. went to sleep i think.. haha, was dam tired. lol! and shiying.. NVM, shall not comment more on that. ANYWAY, must thanks jh and wk for reminding me that there's an a math test! haha=D tyty!
After that, which is today, was ok bah.. Nearly get scolding from miss tan=x but nv! haha, heng ah! lol... anyway, the question i have in my mind is... Why do ppl fork out so much on the one they love and yet they get nothing in return? Why can't ppl just be understanding? Just one try, it wont hurt anyway.(It's not me anyway=D believe it or not?) It's just a question anyway, dun mind me.. im EMO=P haha, ok... that was a long post there anyway=P haha! so... will stop blogging liao bah, must go sleep liao TIRED! haha!
GL HF!=D Sleep well everyone. BYE!
-President of United States,Wong JD.
Let me talk about ytd, okay?! haha, no objections! alrite then..
Yesterday, normal sch day and then went to play soccer after sch.. SO FUN!=D haha,hope can do that everyday luh! ARGH! haha, then come back home go play DOTA! muhahaha, it was ok though... untill then i wacted I not stupid too. It was a touching and funny show. omg, not ashamed to say, i cried in the midst of the show=x and SOMEONE, tell me to cam to show her how i cry..
You must be wondering who is the SOMEONE.. very easy to find out 1... its a she anyway, and she was named soury by me=P haha!!! hmm, so aft that.. nth to do le.. went to sleep i think.. haha, was dam tired. lol! and shiying.. NVM, shall not comment more on that. ANYWAY, must thanks jh and wk for reminding me that there's an a math test! haha=D tyty!
After that, which is today, was ok bah.. Nearly get scolding from miss tan=x but nv! haha, heng ah! lol... anyway, the question i have in my mind is... Why do ppl fork out so much on the one they love and yet they get nothing in return? Why can't ppl just be understanding? Just one try, it wont hurt anyway.(It's not me anyway=D believe it or not?) It's just a question anyway, dun mind me.. im EMO=P haha, ok... that was a long post there anyway=P haha! so... will stop blogging liao bah, must go sleep liao TIRED! haha!
GL HF!=D Sleep well everyone. BYE!
-President of United States,Wong JD.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Ncc oreinteering!
Its friday! And today is the day when JEFF HARDY and MATT HARDY APPEARS! watch out! swantan bomb and there's a twist of fate! oh, its a tag team championship on the line, and he pins, 1, 2 , 3! *TING TING TING* omg! JEFF HARDY and MATT HARDY is the new tag team champions! it's a very nice match at CRC, Toa Payoh. Ok, that's just the appetizer=D( for those who went to CRC on 20/7/07, should knw what i talking=))
Directly after sch, NCC(part C) is suppose to go to meet Mr Chan. but i did not go! damn, went to the meeting for japan=D WOOTS! im going japan!! haha=D got selected, happy yet sad.. dunnoe how say luh!
hmm next up coming item is THE HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE! Making his way into the ring, weighing 300 pounds chris jeri.. omg, he fell down. lets make a way down to see what happen to him.. omg, he did not tie his shoelace..
ok.. enough of CRAPS=D after the meeting,we went to have our CCA! woots, had orienteering with our cadets! they are suppose to find the message and find 1 of our missing specialist, which is jiayi. Alot ppl guessed me, but in the end... PUNISHMENT=D haha! hmm, dun hold it against me part As and Bs. It's our duty=D
but smth v unlucky happened during the orienteering, it started to rain and jiayi went missing.. omg=.= zzzz.. but in the end, the whole thing was successful=D
oh ya, we jogged to the bishan park to have the orienteering, not to suan the part Bs, but u all de fitness really, SUCKED.. buck up pls. and we all walked back to the sch to take our bags and end the parade.. aft that, all wanted to go CRC.. to have our dota match, smth interesting happened, james' team lost=.= but nvm, nxt time rematch loh, the HOLY SHIT STREAK( 13 in a row) has been endedT_T Aft that went to somewhere, that is very scary.............. BOO!
Aft that, HOME SWEET HOME. Its the starting of the match, chris Benoit versus triple H for the heavyweight champion! oh and it's pedigree on chris Benoit! and it's a knock out, triple H pin.. 1,2................
The mike is spoilt, for enquires pls call 888,
Signing OFF
Wong Jun Da=D
Directly after sch, NCC(part C) is suppose to go to meet Mr Chan. but i did not go! damn, went to the meeting for japan=D WOOTS! im going japan!! haha=D got selected, happy yet sad.. dunnoe how say luh!
hmm next up coming item is THE HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE! Making his way into the ring, weighing 300 pounds chris jeri.. omg, he fell down. lets make a way down to see what happen to him.. omg, he did not tie his shoelace..
ok.. enough of CRAPS=D after the meeting,we went to have our CCA! woots, had orienteering with our cadets! they are suppose to find the message and find 1 of our missing specialist, which is jiayi. Alot ppl guessed me, but in the end... PUNISHMENT=D haha! hmm, dun hold it against me part As and Bs. It's our duty=D
but smth v unlucky happened during the orienteering, it started to rain and jiayi went missing.. omg=.= zzzz.. but in the end, the whole thing was successful=D
oh ya, we jogged to the bishan park to have the orienteering, not to suan the part Bs, but u all de fitness really, SUCKED.. buck up pls. and we all walked back to the sch to take our bags and end the parade.. aft that, all wanted to go CRC.. to have our dota match, smth interesting happened, james' team lost=.= but nvm, nxt time rematch loh, the HOLY SHIT STREAK( 13 in a row) has been endedT_T Aft that went to somewhere, that is very scary.............. BOO!
Aft that, HOME SWEET HOME. Its the starting of the match, chris Benoit versus triple H for the heavyweight champion! oh and it's pedigree on chris Benoit! and it's a knock out, triple H pin.. 1,2................
The mike is spoilt, for enquires pls call 888,
Signing OFF
Wong Jun Da=D
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Welcome to the singapore telecommunication service the blog url u just visited is not is not in use, thank you. Pls Try Again later=D SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSKIDDING!!
Hmm.. lets talk about today.. we had lessons per normal.. but today i did a real bad thing=( come to think of it.. i think i should apologise.. sorry he lao shi=D i made a bad sound at her.. so sorry!=( just did it out of playfulness=D hope she dun blame me=D haha! hmm, and today went out with friends to eat.. travelling on bus, we saw someoneO.O dun want to talk more about it=P haha!! jkjk=D
then went to eat ljs! omg.. the auntie attitude sia! we down there talk v loud she use that kind of eyes stare us! kpkb! but in the end she gave us 2 cheese sauce for the price of 50 cents.. SCAMMED=D woots, we had our fill and went seperate ways home.. seeing daryl and otto walking home. as an ncc land cadets. i decided not to take bus but walk home.( see daryl and otto, im so a loyal brother=D)
Then reached home, washed up, and played..... DOTA!=D then here i am now blogging once again ALONED=( Actually wanted to do hwk, BUT lost my whole stack of foolscap paper.. omg.. what a fool am iT_T k la,enough blogging.. that james and chan yu is pestering me to join their game=P i gtg now! bye=D HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A PLEASANT DAY AHEAD!(does this sound familliar?=))
Another thing is.. this is the thing danny treated us ytd. take a look=D he paid using his credit card=D THANK YOU DANNY=D

Danny's Credit Card=D

yet another photo=D
Hmm.. lets talk about today.. we had lessons per normal.. but today i did a real bad thing=( come to think of it.. i think i should apologise.. sorry he lao shi=D i made a bad sound at her.. so sorry!=( just did it out of playfulness=D hope she dun blame me=D haha! hmm, and today went out with friends to eat.. travelling on bus, we saw someoneO.O dun want to talk more about it=P haha!! jkjk=D
then went to eat ljs! omg.. the auntie attitude sia! we down there talk v loud she use that kind of eyes stare us! kpkb! but in the end she gave us 2 cheese sauce for the price of 50 cents.. SCAMMED=D woots, we had our fill and went seperate ways home.. seeing daryl and otto walking home. as an ncc land cadets. i decided not to take bus but walk home.( see daryl and otto, im so a loyal brother=D)
Then reached home, washed up, and played..... DOTA!=D then here i am now blogging once again ALONED=( Actually wanted to do hwk, BUT lost my whole stack of foolscap paper.. omg.. what a fool am iT_T k la,enough blogging.. that james and chan yu is pestering me to join their game=P i gtg now! bye=D HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A PLEASANT DAY AHEAD!(does this sound familliar?=))
Another thing is.. this is the thing danny treated us ytd. take a look=D he paid using his credit card=D THANK YOU DANNY=D

Danny's Credit Card=D

yet another photo=D
Monday, July 16, 2007
hi guys and girls=) haha.. today is the first post i am writing in english! haha. just realised teacher requires 1 post with chinese only! omgomgomg... haha! hmm, today is a boring day AND UNLUCKY!
Firstly, boring day with the lessons. Slept again in HISTORY. history is so boring untill i can cry man. hahaT_T just kidding.. right after sch... suppose to play a soccer match.. BUT all players all missing.. WHAT THE HECK?! nvm about that.. in the end all came=) THX GUYS! then, we were about to play.. IT started to rain.. omfgwtf? then we all agreed in playing in the rain.. SUDDENLY, the ball flew up to the comp lab at 2nd floor. nvm, someone went to take.. THEN, he threw the ball on the fence.. Where the ball burst.=( Soccer match = A treat of RAINDROPS. roflmao^^
Then, we all went home after the treat of raindrops. Play a few dota matches when i reached home.. then here i am blogging now.. HOW BORED.. but ltr=) meeting ncc land USM! haha^^
STUDY HOR NOT PLAY! i am not so bad anyway=P omg! im late=x
K GTG BYE!!!^^
Hope to keep this blog alive=D lets mummified it.. BOOYAH! NITE EVERYONE!
Omg, and i have to say. i smsed the two person which is at the same place.. HOW BORED ARE THEY!=D
Firstly, boring day with the lessons. Slept again in HISTORY. history is so boring untill i can cry man. hahaT_T just kidding.. right after sch... suppose to play a soccer match.. BUT all players all missing.. WHAT THE HECK?! nvm about that.. in the end all came=) THX GUYS! then, we were about to play.. IT started to rain.. omfgwtf? then we all agreed in playing in the rain.. SUDDENLY, the ball flew up to the comp lab at 2nd floor. nvm, someone went to take.. THEN, he threw the ball on the fence.. Where the ball burst.=( Soccer match = A treat of RAINDROPS. roflmao^^
Then, we all went home after the treat of raindrops. Play a few dota matches when i reached home.. then here i am blogging now.. HOW BORED.. but ltr=) meeting ncc land USM! haha^^
STUDY HOR NOT PLAY! i am not so bad anyway=P omg! im late=x
K GTG BYE!!!^^
Hope to keep this blog alive=D lets mummified it.. BOOYAH! NITE EVERYONE!
Omg, and i have to say. i smsed the two person which is at the same place.. HOW BORED ARE THEY!=D
Monday, July 9, 2007
今天是个好日子,我也不多说了!=) 哈哈! 再次要跟大家讲,笑一笑,今天会跟好!
今天又动一动星期一, 看到了中一的表现。真是失望啊! 不要慌! 我们星期五的比赛一定会赢!
因为中一是我负责的!=P 开玩笑。。 但是我对他们有信心。。 加油! 现在有个蠢蛋在看我的博客。
开玩笑! 我真的是太无聊了, 救救我啊!
一放学!我就连忙回家去了,去我的宝贝电脑!=) 现在在做功课。。。不知不觉...想到了一首诗!
今天又动一动星期一, 看到了中一的表现。真是失望啊! 不要慌! 我们星期五的比赛一定会赢!
因为中一是我负责的!=P 开玩笑。。 但是我对他们有信心。。 加油! 现在有个蠢蛋在看我的博客。
开玩笑! 我真的是太无聊了, 救救我啊!
一放学!我就连忙回家去了,去我的宝贝电脑!=) 现在在做功课。。。不知不觉...想到了一首诗!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
你们好我又回来了。 我来带给大家欢乐的! 最近,很多东西发生。 不知从哪儿说起,好吧, 我就说我的昨天的事情。
昨天我们出去庆祝daryl的生日。 一开始,我们就集合在大巴窑中心。突然,daryl想宣布一件事情。 我们都很好奇,接着,他就说他邀请我们去雪城。 我们毫不犹豫地答应了=P 我门就开始乘大地铁到雪城。 在地铁里,有一连串的事情发生。 有一个人在地铁里放屁!弄得我们哈哈大笑。过了45分钟,我们终于到达了雪城。到了那里,我们发觉只有5.15的时间空。 我们差了时间, 是3。15。 我们开始哭了。(开玩笑)
我们就决定去科学馆。我们玩得好开心。。 之后我们就去了雪城,在里面,我们很顽皮。 当时有一个小男生,在划下滑第时。。 我们在下面等他,当他一下来,我们把雪捯在他上面。他当场哭了,我们当时没想什么就走掉了。最后我们回来了大巴窑。一起吃晚饭。
昨天我们出去庆祝daryl的生日。 一开始,我们就集合在大巴窑中心。突然,daryl想宣布一件事情。 我们都很好奇,接着,他就说他邀请我们去雪城。 我们毫不犹豫地答应了=P 我门就开始乘大地铁到雪城。 在地铁里,有一连串的事情发生。 有一个人在地铁里放屁!弄得我们哈哈大笑。过了45分钟,我们终于到达了雪城。到了那里,我们发觉只有5.15的时间空。 我们差了时间, 是3。15。 我们开始哭了。(开玩笑)
我们就决定去科学馆。我们玩得好开心。。 之后我们就去了雪城,在里面,我们很顽皮。 当时有一个小男生,在划下滑第时。。 我们在下面等他,当他一下来,我们把雪捯在他上面。他当场哭了,我们当时没想什么就走掉了。最后我们回来了大巴窑。一起吃晚饭。
Thursday, July 5, 2007
大家好! 又来到我的博客了哈哈! 欢迎欢迎! 今天在可是发生了意见很可怕的事,我也不多说了。 怪我的级任老师啦! 今天放了学,我就匆忙的跑回家了,因为要做功课! 但是到了家,才发现我的功课在学校! 所以就无法作了。。。 请数学老师原谅我!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
大家好! 我的名字是黄俊达. 今年14岁,有个乖乖的样貌. 我的外号叫兔牙,因为我的前俩个牙齿不整齐.
刚吃完我的午餐,我才发现我迟到了!我赶紧跑回了学校,去上地理课.幸运的是我买有迟到,在那课里我很专心的听课,就是希望想考到好成绩. 校铃响了,我期待已久的时刻到来了.因为这是我第一天领导我的小倍! 我匆匆忙忙的换了衣服,跑去集合点.我和我其他的种三同学开始了我们的课外活动.
到了六点,大家也累了.我们开始解散我们的小倍.我们都很开心因为是我们第一天领导.阿!写着写着..已经过了一小时.. 开始后让眼睛休息了.. 今天就到此为止...
刚吃完我的午餐,我才发现我迟到了!我赶紧跑回了学校,去上地理课.幸运的是我买有迟到,在那课里我很专心的听课,就是希望想考到好成绩. 校铃响了,我期待已久的时刻到来了.因为这是我第一天领导我的小倍! 我匆匆忙忙的换了衣服,跑去集合点.我和我其他的种三同学开始了我们的课外活动.
到了六点,大家也累了.我们开始解散我们的小倍.我们都很开心因为是我们第一天领导.阿!写着写着..已经过了一小时.. 开始后让眼睛休息了.. 今天就到此为止...
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